Aurora articles
The Thanksgiving Storm across 900km of Latitude
AAC The Alberta Aurora Chasers Facebook Group is one of the most active places for aurora spotters to post their sighting in the sub-auroral zone. ... -
AurorEye - Citizen Science All Sky Camera Project
Imagine on your next aurora chase that you have a companion - like R2D2 in the back of Luke's X-Wing. This companion all sky camera robot will capture the whole night sky with timelapse imagery, providing a record of the evening's auroral activity.
Aurora Speeding Tickets, Extended article
With this in mind, the editors at the Data Visualization Society have worked with me to update and expand the original Aurora Speeding Tickets Article from the perspective of data visualization and synthesis. Read this extended article at the Nightingale website -
A Speeding Ticket for Aurora
It's 1957 and one of the biggest aurora storms in a decade is happening right now. How do you record a planet's worth of aurora activity using only visual observers armed with pencils? -
A Year of Aurora Chasing - presentation to RASC
My presentations to Royal Astronomical Society of Canada members in Ottawa, Montreal, Sudbury, and Iqaluit on “A year of Aurora Borealis chasing” and "Aurora Photography Tips" -
Beware Newton's Rings!
And you thought the most expensive part of photography was the camera! Just wait till you start buying lenses that really perform well in low ligh... -
Two out of three is not bad
Aurora photography is, I think a combination of Astrophotography, Wildlife photography, and Landscape photography. Let me explain...